Writing Styles Guide

List of Writing Styles

Agility Writer

Last Update 9 maanden geleden

You can select predefined writing styles to personalize the article style further based on your niche. Check out the sample articles at https://aiseoarticle.com. Here is the list of options:

  • Default: Do not apply special writing style.
  • Auto from SERP: Retrieve the writing style from the top search result.
  • All - Authoritative + Conversational: For expert blogs, industry publications, and educational content, offering practical advice, and presenting well-researched information.
  • All - Authoritative + Instructional: For how-to guides, self-help material, professional training, and educational content where motivating and guiding the reader towards specific objectives or better understanding of a topic is key.
  • All - Humanize: Mimic the nuances, creativity, and emotional depth often found in human writing and make it sound more like an actual human wrote it.
  • All - Precision & Optimization: Optimize word order and structure for precise, responsive web content that aligns with micro-semantic rules. Adjust sequences to meet search queries and user expectations better, enhancing information delivery.
  • All - Precision + Semantic Triples: Enhance "Precision & Optimization" writing style by structuring sentences with semantic triples.
  • All - UnFluffPro 1 to 4 + Authoritative: For concise writing styles, focus on enriching text with facts and reducing fluff. This option often reduces up to 27% of the word count compared to others. Require Full GPT-4 for the best result. Please visit the help centre for the complete test results and samples.
  • Health - Authoritative: For academic writing, informative articles, educational content, and professional reports where accuracy, clarity, and credibility are paramount.
  • Local Biz - Authoritative + Persuasion: For marketing materials, business proposals, and product descriptions, aiming to inform, persuade, and motivate the reader towards making informed decisions or purchases.
  • News - Journalistic: For in-depth news articles, feature stories, and analytical pieces where a comprehensive, balanced, and insightful view of complex issues is essential.
  • SEO - Authoritative: For professional or industry-specific publications where conveying expertise and prompting action is essential.
  • Travel - Narrative: For humorous or satirical articles, personal blogs, and creative non-fiction where engaging and entertaining the reader through relatable experiences and witty commentary is key.
  • Anti-AI Detection - Concise Tone: To boost anti-AI detection on originality ai and increase the average human score to 60-90++. Write in a concise tone. This writing style must work with the full GPT4 model. Keep in mind that this writing style might lead to using fewer keywords and a shorter article.
  • Anti-AI Detection - Informal Tone: To boost anti-AI detection on originality ai and increase the average human score to 60-90++. Write in an informal, conversational tone and first-person point of view. This writing style must work with the full GPT4 model. Keep in mind that this writing style might lead to using fewer keywords and a shorter article.

If you wish to use your custom writing styles, find out more here.

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