How do I force AI to write a heading to output as a table or list?
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Let’s check out the sample below:
1. Introduction
2. Are Bananas Safe for Dogs?
– Benefits of Bananas for Dogs
– Potential Hazards of Feeding Bananas to Dogs
3. How to Feed Bananas to Dogs
– Moderation and Portion Control
– Preparation and Serving Ideas
4. Other Fruits that are Safe for Dogs to Eat
5. Conclusion
You can add “[Table]” or “[List]” as part of the heading at the end to instruct AI to write a table.
“4. Other Fruits that are Safe for Dogs to Eat [Table]”
“– Benefits of Bananas for Dogs [List]”
But the table and list will skip if applied to H2 headings that consist of H3 headings.
E.g., “3. How to Feed Bananas to Dogs [Table]” will not work because there are H3 under it.
Note: Advanced mode limit to max 3 tables per article, Optimize mode support up to 10 tables.