Article History

Access Generated Articles

Agility Writer

Last Update sebulan yang lalu

Find all your generated articles under History -> View & Download Articles.
Search & Download Articles
  • Use
    the search panel to easily find and filter your articles.
  • Utilize the Active/Archive dropdown to retrieve previously archived articles.
  • Download individual articles in HTML, Word, or text format, or download in bulk.

CSV Export

Export articles in CSV format with three options:

  • Standard – Export all article details.
  • Split by Headings – Split the article content by headings, ideal for mass page generator plugins to create bulk, well-structured location landing pages.
  • Split by Headings (Remove H. Tag) – Same as "Split by Headings," but without the heading tags.

Organize Articles

  • Use Projects
    to organize your articles. You can move articles between different projects.
  • Archive old or published articles to keep your history section clean.
  • Search and restore archived articles to reactivate them when needed.

WordPress Publishing

  • Quickly publish articles to your WordPress site without setting up a plugin. Learn more here.
  • Alternatively, directly publish articles using the Agility Writer Plugin with this guide.

Preview Article

  • Click the quick view icon to view and copy articles.

View Article Details

  • Click the article title to view it in full-screen mode.
  • The article detail screen has five sections:
    • Article – View and publish the article.
    • Meta Tag – Displays the meta title and meta description.
    • Shoutout Post – View and regenerate posts for up to 12 social media platforms. Learn more here.
    • Extra – Displays keywords and image prompts (if applicable).
    • Sources/References – Contains all references and links used in the article.

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